HR Software Solution

(HR Software Solution)

Human resources management ( HR )  is considered one of the main elements for the establishment of companies and institutions, it is the element that focuses on recruitment and management, introducing employees to the company’s instructions and providing the appropriate environment for work.

The function of the human resources department is manage the personnel affairs, also participate in the management to planning and determining the functional needs of the company.

So providing HR Software solution makes business smooth and simple.

What is HR Software solution ? 

HR software solutions, It is an integrated software for managing daily tasks for human resources with professional ways.

It is a program that covers the human resource management system from employee management, employee salaries, reports, etc. 

It has many features that help in a complete and excellent management of resources.

Why use cloudwadi HR Software ? 

Why use HR software from cloudwadi

Because it helps your HR department to give up the manual work and rely on the electronic method

It works on organizing employee information and creating data-based reports, as well as calculating employees’ salaries, attendance and departure times, and leave work, all of this is done electronically, which eliminates the need to use papers and documents.

Benefits of HR software :

1- Employee Self Services :-  

It helps employees to access schedules and information and helps save time managing resources ,Also it help employees to submit their leave requests and check their leave balance through the mobile phone


2- Personnel treatment :-

It also facilitates personnel treatment at :-

( Recruitment, Employee Information, Personal Information, Work Information, Insurance and Benefits ,Vacations, Training ,Appraisal ,Promotions & Movements ,Termination & End of Service) 


3- Payroll Treatment

( Monthly Variables ,Overtime, Taxation & End of Year Tax Adjustment ,Salary Calculation, ATM).

Salaries are the monthly continuous process in the company, and in order to prevent inconveniences in the payroll statements, the use of HR Software saves trouble and time.

It also helps to have better control over the salary calculation by calculating the time of attendance and departure for employees.


Try now your HR Software Solutions from cloudwadi and enjoy it benefits