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Warehouse Management System




  • WMS Customers Invoice
    WMS Customers Invoice

3PL Warehouse Management System

IST Warehouse-Link is a SaaS based WMS software that has been designed to serve companies that provide warehousing service to others, or to itself. The system includes all warehousing operations and any belongings starting from the receipt of goods then storing them in the designated areas, then the process of picking-up the required goods and then calculating the value of warehousing based on the signed contracts with customers in addition to billing. IST Warehouse management system covers all the following operations types:
  • Warehouse planning.
  • Inventory Management.
  • Pick-up of goods.
  • Customers invoices.
Warehouse Management System


Warehouse planning

  • WMS Planning
    WMS Planning

The system enables the user to divide the warehouse into several areas and then divide each area into multiple rows & columns and specify the maximum load of each location associated with a statement that shows the location status (available / damaged / on-hold).



The system enables the user to record the receipt of goods with an indication of the weight and size of each item separately, and then the system displays the available places to store each item. The system does not allow finalizing receiving order unless all received items are put away.

  • WMS Receiving
    WMS Receiving


Inventory Management

WMS Inventory Management

The system allows the user to view the inventory all over the warehouse or a specific area or the goods of a particular client or certain kind of goods.

The system also allows the user to move goods from one location to another within the same warehouse or from a warehouse to another warehouse.

IST Warehouse-Link provides the possibility of changing the condition of the received goods from available to damage and indicating the quantity, the cause of damage and the user who changed this condition.


Pick-up of goods

The system enables the user to record pick-up orders and indicating the required quantity of each item and the specified date of picking up these goods, then; the system displays the available amounts of this kind (for a specific client) and indicates their locations in the warehouse to issue a pick-up order to the persons in charge to start working, after completion the pick-up process; the order is closed. 
  • WMS Pick-up
    WMS Pick-up


Customers Invoice

  • WMS Customers Invoice
    WMS Customers Invoice

The system calculates the bills of customers based on the agreed tariff in the signed contracts with them and calculates the value of warehousing per cubic meter and the allowed amount per month or the allocated space for the client, also it calculates the value of goods handling on receiving and pickup.

The system also enables the user to transfer these invoices automatically to the General Ledger system (in case the client asked for this).

Pricing for Warehouse Management System



Per user, Per month, annual subscribe

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